2012 Christmas Party

October 20, 2012

The traditional Alii Holo Kai Christrmas in October was celebrated on Saturday 20th October. Mahalo everyone that helped make this a happy occasion with your donations of fish, crab, tako, the cooks of the pupus, the elves with all the games and Santa. You divers came through with your donations of fish and the Natsunoya staff really appreciated some of the extras that were given to the T house staff as appreciation for the extra cooking of our fresh fish…Mahalo to all!
Soon it was getting close 7 pm and the audible voices and laughter were interrupted by a call for Dennis to convey a short blessing. At the conclusion of his prayer, and with perfect timing the servers began to bring out their specialties.

Shortly thereafter, Frank opened the business meeting for AHK.
1. Acknowledged were a few “old timers” of AHK some dating back to 1972. Franny Shitabata, Randy Uda, Eddie Sasaki, Butch Farm and their spouses, plus Ruby Takara widow to Sonny da VP for a few years starting in 1972.
2. Special recognition and appreciation given to 3 dedicated and supportive ladies of AHK. Amy Yoneshiro, Hanako Okada and Paula Farm. Amy and Hanako usually seen assisting with scorekeeping and other areas of support at tournaments and various AHK events. Amy has also spearheaded the 5H community support project of AHK with clothing and school supplies for homeless families. Paula is the head elf that provides the keki games and other activities for years at the Xmas party. They may not be competitive divers, but are truly appreciated by all of AHK.


After the recognition of these honorees a motion to adjourn was accepted. Later, Paula and her elves had setup a number of fun games on the stage.. The cheering and laughter was noticeable as prizes and other rewards were won. The end came when the Piñata burst open and all the children scrambled for the mass of candy that fell to the floor Soon after the music of Jingle Bells rang out and Santa appeared on the stage with bags of gifts All the keikis received a gift and most sat on Santa’s lap. Santa later gave gifts to all the members, family and guests in attendance. Again, thanks to all that helped us on this event.


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