2015 Chop Suey Meet

May 31, 2015

This year’s Chop Suey Meet was a huge success with perfect weather and a great turnout!

The object of this annual meet is to have Uku’s (experienced divers) help their partner Uhu’s (beginner divers) shoot fish or attain other diving goals. Most of our Uhu participants shot fish that day, and they all watched and learned from their partners.  Scoring for this event was based upon weighing only one fish of each species, which taught divers to look for fish in different areas and move to different spots. We had a few divers come in with 7 different types of fish!  Impressive!

We had some awesome catches by the National Champ, Shay M., with a huge 17 lb omilu. Dave S. had a nice mixed bag catch. Congratulations to Cianan W. on shooting his first mu!




1st place: Zdenek C.

2nd place: Blaise

3rd place (tie): Elijah C. and Cianan W.



1st place: Shay M.

2nd place: Guy M.

3rd place: David S.


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