
Aloha Divers,

Thank you to everyone who came out to represent our spearfishing community in opposition of SB1377, which sought to ban spearfishing in Waikiki.  There were over 40 fishermen and women in attendance that day.  I am happy to say that our efforts were successful, and the bill died in committee.

In addition to Alii Holo Kai, we were joined by other groups and businesses including Hawaii Sportsmen’s Alliance, Hawaii Nearshore Fishermen, tropical fish collectors, Hawaii Fishermen Alliance for Conservation and Tradition (HFACT), Hawaii Goes Fishing, Westside Dive and Tackle, Maui Sporting Goods, and Hanapa’a Hawaii.

AHK members in attendance included:  Frank Farm, Jaren Luke, Bryan Oato, Dave Sakoda, Sterling Kaya, Kurt Taguma, Scott Yamashita and his 2 sons, Toby and Tate, Chris Tsukahara, Sheryl Lee-Higa and her son Ethan, and Jason Hijirida.  My apologies if I forgot to mention anyone!

Since the legislative committee’s schedule only allowed for 30 minutes of testimony, just a few of us were able to speak.  Frank Farm, Dean Setsui, and Arnel Data all gave compelling testimony.  Scot Yamashita gave a very moving testimony about how spearfishing is a part of his family, and by banning spearfishing, that would prevent future generations of his family from enjoying the sport.  Due to time constraints, Ethan Higa did not get an opportunity to give his testimony.

After testimony was given, the committee had the chance to ask questions to those who testified.  Representative Cynthia Thielen called Tate and Toby Yamashita up to the front.  She asked the boys, “Do you love fishing?” and they both replied yes.  Thielen acknowledged that the kids missed school in order to attend the hearing because spearfishing means so much to them.

Kaniela Ing, who is the Chair of the Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources & Hawaiian Affairs, felt that there were some constitutional rights that could be affected by passage of a bill like this.  He also stated that he was a spear fisherman himself, and he knew that in order to spear fish, one could not do it around tourists and would have to go outside the breaks to find fish.  Hence there would be no safety issues regarding spear fishing near tourist populated beaches.

After the hearing, HFACT posted the following statement recognizing AHK on their FaceBook page:


Senate Bill 1377 (SB 1377): “The purpose and intent of this measure is to prohibit spearfishing at all hours of the day within the Waikiki-Diamond Head shoreline fisheries management area until such time as the Department of Land and Natural Resources determines through research that the damage existing as of January 1, 2016, to the coral reefs has abated and the reefs are restored.”

After considering testimony, the Senate Committee on Water and Land (WTL) amended SB 1377, deleting references to coral reefs and damaged coral, thereby shifting the focus to the impact of population growth in urban Honolulu on the sustainability of fishing in the area. SB 1377 then moved to the Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources and Hawaiian Affairs (OMH) and the Committee on Water and Land (WAL) for hearing.

An estimated 20+ spear fishermen attended the hearing and made the following points during testimony:

  • Data reflects that generally, the reef fish population is stable. Noted that no data is presented to support claims of reef damage and declining fish population.
  • A dad with his two grade school sons wearing t-shirts imprinted with “I dive with my dad” testified that they dive for food, that other diving spots are dangerous, that the area provides a relatively safe diving learning area for the boys.
  • It is not understood why a Hawaii island senator introduced a bill pertaining to the Waikiki shoreline? No data. Why pick on spear fishers?
  • There has been a change in nutrient levels and alien algae bloom. Not attributable to spear fishers.
  • (With the amendment), SB 1377 is a moving target. The bill was introduced claiming reef damage. That claim is determined to be unfounded. Now the claim is a decline in fish population. “Here we are again” to provide testimony.
  • Eliminating spear fishing will result in invasive species dominating the reef and a decline of desired, native fish. (You want taape for kumu?)

A tally of testimony submitted via the Hawaii State Legislature website to OMH and WAL disclosed the following:

 – Four testifiers commented

 – Three testified in support

 – Forty-seven testified in opposition

Apparently the efforts of the testifiers in opposition prevailed because the committee(s) on OMH/WAL recommended that the measure be deferred. (SB 1377 should die in committee.)

Special recognition to Alii Holo Kai Dive Club whose members took time off from work to participate in the hearing. Way to go guys!

Billy Chang, an active participant in the Pacific Island Fisheries Group (PIFG), sent these comments to me:

Thank you to Alii Holo Kai Dive club members and to the dive community for opposing the bill in written testimony and in oral testimony to the committees.

Your show of force was greatly appreciated by all fishermen who could not be in attendance.


Overall, it was a great experience to see our democratic process at work.  I am proud to be a part of Alii Holo Kai, and continue with its tradition of responsible and safe diving.

Thank you again to those of you who took the time to either submit testimony online or come out in person to the hearing.


Hope to see you all at our next event,



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